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'No...' Why should she now be in doubt? She loved Stuart and he loved
her, so why should she be affected by Tim's unthinking declaration - 'If
you're really in love you can't wait'?
'By the way,' said Tim changing the subject, 'what did you mean when
you said you thought at the time it would be worth it?'
'I haven't got oh with Dr. Vallas, and so the dig hasn't come up to my
That clearly puzzled him.
'I just can't understand it. You don't have words, or anything?'
'He finds fault with everything I do. At home I was appreciated, but
here I never do a thing right.'
His puzzlement increased, and he went on to give all sorts of praise to
Nickolas. He had a reputation as a perfectionist and he did go off the
deep end at times, but he had tolerance with those who tried, however
inexperienced they were. And he would always extend help and advice
to those who were willing to accept it&
'Then the fault must lie entirely with me,' returned Jane quietly.
'I've done it again, haven't I? Where's my tact? I'm sure it isn't your
'And I'm sure it is. I've done something, but I can't put my finger on it.
Of course,' she added thoughtfully, 'some people are enemies on sight.
They can't stand one another - and that seems to be the case with us.'
She glanced at her watch, and stood up. 'We must go back.'
He was troubled and after they had walked a little way he stopped,
turning to face her.
'Try to forget it, Jane, that's my advice. This is the opportunity of a
lifetime and you mustn't let it be spoiled. Apart from anything else
you're gaining the most wonderful experience - working for a man like
Dr. Vallas. Enjoy it, for I'm very sure you'll always regret it if you
don't take advantage of what's offered.' His face was grave, and as she
stood there, musing on his words, Jane knew he was right. She would
take advantage of what was offered; she'd forget Nickolas Vallas, who
rarely came to her these days, anyway. She would ignore him, and if
he should complain she would listen, and then put his complaint right
out of her mind.
'I'll do exactly as you say, Tim.' She looked at him, feeling almost
lighthearted. 'You've been good for me - and thank you.'
'That's the girl.' For no reason at all he tucked her arm in his, and
although Jane instantly pulled away, her action had not been quick
enough. Dr. Vallas had noticed, as he came from his office. He
stopped, a look of amazement on his face as he watched them walking
, over to the site. Jane just had to glance over her shoulder and
although she was more than familiar with that look of disdain, it was
so strongly portrayed now that she actually started in surprise. Not
only disdain on those harsh brown features, but disgust - utter and
absolute disgust. She soon recovered, and with her new strong
determination to ignore him she lifted her head, bade Tim goodbye,
and walked towards the hut in which she worked, her footsteps swift
and light.
DR. VALLAS had arranged everything for his guests, scrupulously
affording them every luxury, with rooms booked at a superb hotel
overlooking Syntagma Square and taxis provided for sightseeing.
Pauline was thrilled with the room she was to share with Jane. As for
Jane herself, nothing would have afforded her more satisfaction than
to refuse this hospitality, but as always she was bound by the other
three. Nevertheless, she could not but share Pauline's enthusiasm over
their luxurious accommodation and as she stood behind her, gazing
down at the bustling city square below, she was conscious of a rising
excitement at the prospect of this week-end in Athens.
Their gathering consisted of eight people. Apart from Jane, her
companions, and Tim Worthing, there were Sylvia and Richard
Robins, and Dr. Vallas himself. On learning of his intention to go with
them Jane had been a trifle deflated, because for some reason she had
concluded that he would remain on the site. However, with her new
armour firmly about her she meant to deflect any unpleasant barbs she
might receive from him. From the moment of that little talk with Tim,
when she had vowed to take his advice, her life had indeed been
happier. Why she should have allowed herself-to be troubled by
Nickolas Vallas's dislike she would never know. He had his own
reasons for that dislike and she now had no desire to discover what
those reasons were. Lately he had left her severely alone and she
received her instructions from Miss Gilbert, which suited Jane very
well - for she could now give as good as she received, and sometimes
she gave a little over for good measure!
'I'd love to get into that bath,' sighed Pauline, gazing longingly at it. 'I
feel as if I haven't been really clean for years!'
Jane laughed.
'Oh, I don't know. It's rather fun having to improvise. I'm really
becoming quite adept at doing my gymnastics in a tiny bowl of water.'
' With a tiny bowl of water, you mean. All you can get in is your feet!'
'Well, we'll certainly get more than our feet in that. What a size!' Jane
glanced at her watch. 'I'm not so sure we haven't time for a quick one.'
'Impossible. Lunch is in ten minutes.'
'One of us could. I'll toss you for it.'
Pauline agreed, and won. All but her head and shoulders became
immersed in bubbles while Jane washed at the basin. Then Jane
hurriedly used the dressing-table, brushing and combing her hair and
applying a smear of lipstick. Her dress of pale green linen was cool
and smart, cut in severe lines and high at the neck. The change from
slacks and sweater brought out the entrancing curves of her slender
body and revealed a shapely pair of legs and slim ankles. She felt
good, and .rather gay as, with a final flick of the comb to her hair, she
moved to let Pauline take her place.
Pauline was also smart in a flowered dress of cotton, the neckline cut
low and the sleeves short.
'Isn't it nice to be a woman again?' She met Jane's gaze in the mirror.
Her eyes were glowing and oddly expectant. Jane said quietly,
'You look very lovely, Pauline,' and the eyes became even brighter,
bringing a swift frown to Jane's wide brow. Tim was going to be
enchanted with her... but it wasn't Tim for whom Pauline was
endeavouring to look her very best.
The whole group shared one large table for lunch. Guy with his
customary exuberance declared he would rather have gone straight to
the Acropolis than waste time on lunch.
'Who wants food at a time like this? - with the most beautiful building
in the world waiting just for us!'
They had seen it as they drove by taxi to the hotel, the majestic
Parthenon, standing on the citadel of the Acropolis, dominating the
'You'll appreciate it all the more, on a full stomach,' remarked
Nickolas practically, his eyes fleetingly resting on Jane. Ignoring him, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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