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boxes around as if they were
I pulled out the second schematic and the sketch of the file storage
 I can t do two more even with all the money in the world. I have to be
in business next year.
 I won t need the second and third until Saturday.
 That I can do. What s this one? Or can you tell me?
 This one I know. It s called something like a perturbation replicator.
 It replicates trouble? Why would you want something like that?
 Not trouble. It s supposed to duplicate ghosts and suck the duplicate
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into Babbage disks.
 That s trouble. Bruce shook his head.  This is weird. No one would
believe me if I told them. He
looked at me and added,  But I won t.
 The other is some sort of electronic file conversion system. I pointed
to my crude drawing.  I think
it converts fields into a storage protocol.
 That looks more standard as if anything you have is really standard.
 I like you, too. I nodded.  I ll be back tomorrow.
 Mornings like this, it feels just like ten years ago, and you know how I
feel about that. Bruce s
comments reflected the fact that he had never been that thrilled about
being a technician for the Spazi.
 I know. Let s hope it s not.
 It really is that bad, isn t it?
 If you don t hear anything, don t ask.
 It s that bad. You need some firepower?
I considered.  No.
 You can ask tomorrow.
 I ll think about it.
 I take it you want this first thing portable? How much power? How long
do you want it to operate?
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 A spring trigger switch, I think, and as much power as will fit.
 It s not going to fit under your coat. I can tell you that.
 I suspected. I rose.  Just like old times?
 God, I hope not. Good luck, Johan.
 I don t know as I can rely on luck now.
 You never had the best.
I straightened up and left the drawings on his piled papers.  Tell me
about it, Bruce.
 I m sorry. That s not what I meant.
 I know. But it still hurts. I forced a smile.  I ll be back in the
morning. Eight o clock all right? I
know it s before you open, but ...
 It ll be done then or not at all.
 Let me buy some spare disks.
 The highest-density ones, I assume.
 Of course.
He bowed, and I paid and carried the case of disks back to the steamer, not
noting anyone strange.
That didn t mean much, although Bruce had been a techie, and no one paid
attention to the techies in
government, and they generally paid less attention to them out of
government. After all, what harm could
a technician do? Didn t they just do what they were told?
The pair of loons had taken flight or something by the time I passed the
Loon Lakes, and I got
stuck behind another vanEmsden tanker, also spotless but puffing gray smoke,
a sign that the boiler
burners were out of trim.
I got back to the university by quarter to ten, later than I had hoped
because I stopped by the New
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Bruges Bank to deposit the International Import cheque, which wouldn t
compensate for what I was
spending on hardware but might help. Then I rushed to the office, picking
up my messages in a quick
 My, you d think something important was about to happen, Gilda
observed acerbically.
 I m sorry. Good morning, Gilda.
 Good morning, Herr Doktor Eschbach.
 I did say I was sorry.
 Just like all men. You think a few sweet words make up for everything.
I caught the grin, and answered.  Of course. That s what women want, isn t it?
Sweet words of
 You are impossible. She arched an eyebrow.
 No. Merely difficult.
 Better Doktor duBoise than me.
I smiled.
 You may go now, Herr Doktor.
 I can see that I stand dismissed. With a nod, I made my way upstairs and
unlocked my office.
 At last, he s actually late, said Grimaldi as he hurried past me for his
ten o clock.  Will wonders
never cease?
 Not these days.
After I unloaded my folder, I picked up the papers I had left and finished
grading the last handful,
then recorded the generally abysmal marks. I swallowed hard and looked at
the tests that needed to be
After a moment, I picked up the handset and dialed Llysette s
 Hello. A student I have ...
 This is Johan. I had to go to Zuider this morning to get some work done
on my difference engine. I
just got back.
 I will call you in a few minutes. 
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Preoccupied or angry? She had been the one who had been busy the night
I started in on the tests, which were, unfortunately, worse than the
papers, and I had read perhaps a
dozen when the wireset rang.
 Johan Eschbach.
 Johan. I am sorry, but the student ... oh, I was so angry! My fault, she
said it was. My fault that the
music she had not learned. My fault that she had not listened.
 I m sorry.
 Oh, I cannot stand it! It is my fault? They have no ... no responsibility
to learn? I should beat notes
into their thick little Dutch heads.
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 You do sound angry.
 Johan! I am not a child.
 What can I say? They re lazy. I m grading a test, and half of them
didn t read the assignment.
 Lazy! They should have been in Europe while Ferdinand s armies marched.
So lucky they are and
do not know it.
 I did call to see about dinner.
 I cannot, not all this week. I must beat notes and more notes. Oh, I
cannot stand it! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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