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stroked her gently, without hurry, holding her gaze, knowing he what he was doing to her
"Miss Lillian, I swear to you, I have only climbed into a woman's window once in
my entire life."
His voice when he talked lovingly to her, and the familiarity of his touch was
already starting to strengthen the notion of security in her heart, making her think of
things like gardens, grandchildren, and anniversaries.
She lay down beside him, his hand resting placidly between her legs. "And when
was the last time you did that, Mr. Sloan?"
He leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose.
"About thirty minutes ago." Jake kissed again, tenderness displayed in his
unhurried kisses. "It's a hell of a lot of incentive to know what kind of woman is waiting
through that second story window."
"Are you going to let me sleep at all tonight?" she whispered, her body melting
under the expert way he seemed to know what pleased her.
"Right after I play Don Juan."
In a groggy state of bliss, Lil teased, "Now Jake, you won't leave me wondering if
it s real or a dream, will you?"
His lips stretched into a wide grin against her mouth.
"I promise you there will be no doubt in your mind, how real it will be."
"Sounds like a challenge, Jake."
"No ma'am, just a promise."
"I like an honest man." She curled her arms around his neck as he drew her body
to his.
"Does that include a guy that climbs in your window in the middle of the night?"
She draped her leg over his thigh. "Especially him."
Amanda McIntyre
Chapter Eight
"If only your constituents could see you now, Sheriff Sloan." Lil traced her finger
from his knee to his inner thigh and glanced up at him with a grin. The tepid bath had
been a welcome diversion from their morning of lovemaking.
Jake lifted the damp curls at the base of her neck and kissed the dewy softness and
suddenly understood there were some things that a man could become addicted to
She'd shown him that morning more ways of pleasure than he knew existed and
she'd modeled that underwear--a thong, she called it stating that it came with her.
Frankly, he didn t care much where it came from, but he was sure as hell glad it came
with her in it.
"Speaking of my constituents, there is something I wanted to talk to you about
Lil." He knew the risk he was about to take could jeopardize his career, but on the other
hand, he knew if he didn t, he might risk losing Lilly.
"There's a party being given in my honor on Friday evening. I'm asking
permission to be your escort."
"You want to take me to one of your fundraising parties?"
She turned to look at him, her green eyes wide with wonder. "Oh as
entertainment. Of course, you found out I dabble at playing the piano."
Jake grinned. He had heard about her sitting in the saloon belting out some
strange songs that no one had ever heard. "I heard a little something about that
impromptu show of yours. Angel mentioned a wonderful guy named Billy Joel and you
taking down a half a bottle of whiskey?"
"I had some issues I needed to face. I'm better now." Lil squeezed the washcloth,
watching the water sluice down her outstretched leg.
Jake watched right along with her, nearly forgetting what he'd been saying. He
blinked, returning to his thoughts as she lowered her leg into the warm water.
"I'm glad to hear you got your issues worked out, but I really just wanted you to
come as my guest."
She glanced over her shoulder, those beautiful green eyes framed with soft black
"Well, Sheriff, as much as I am flattered that you would like for me to join you, I
am afraid that I must decline."
"Why Lilly, are you being a snob?" He slid his hands around her waist, enjoying
the feel of her skin, slick and wet. Snuggling close to her back, he cupped her luscious
breasts in his palms.
"I can't, Jake."
Her breath caught as he brushed the pad of his thumb over one proud peak.
Well on his way to a complete arousal, he shifted to let her know what she was
doing to him. "Can't or won't?"
"Jake, I have nothing to wear besides " She sighed and rested her head against
his shoulder, as he continued to pleasure her with his massage.
She lay between his legs, her arms draped lazily over his knees.
"You know Lil, not that your clothes, or lack thereof, would be a problem as far
as I'm concerned, but couldn't you borrow something from one of the other girls?" He
kissed a ringlet of hair against her temple, laying his cheek to her shoulder, watching her
expression skate between reason and bliss.
"What if I said, please?" He slid his hand slow down her belly, dipping into her
navel, his fingers sliding over her springy dark curls. Jake kissed her shoulder, raking his
teeth gently across her silky flesh.
"They all know who I am, Jake, I don't want to embarrass you."
"You couldn't do that. Please, Lil."" He kissed the slope her neck as he slid his
finger inside her, stroking slow and easy, wanting to watch her go over the edge.
"Maybe, with sugar on it?" He teased in a whisper.
"Jake, I don't know--" Her fingers clutched his legs, her back pressed hard
against his chest as her legs dropped open for him.
"And berries with cream& please come with me, Lilly." He whispered against her
cheek, feeling the tension build in her body, wanting to bury himself deep inside her. He
turned her face to his, seeing her gaze on the verge of release.
Amanda McIntyre
"I shouldn't--" Her words gave way to short gasps, her breath panted against his
"Yes, I think you want to " He grinned, watching her eyelids flutter shut.
She nodded, capturing his mouth in a searing kiss as her sweet climax kissed his
Her trust with him in their lovemaking humbled him as much as thrilled him.
Jake grinned as she slumped against him.
"You don't play fair for a Sheriff."
"Then you'll come with me?" He grinned knowing she was still hot and ready
the thought made his shaft throb with anticipation.
Lil turned; sloshing water carelessly over the side and without warning impaled
herself upon his rigid staff. Her arms draped lazily over his shoulders, she rode him with
a slow deliberate gait, keeping hold of his gaze with her mesmerizing smile. "Only if you
do the same."
He crushed his mouth to hers, grasping her hips as he gave into the fierce storm of
his release. "Gawdalmigggghty." Jake dropped the back of his head to the edge of the
old tub, and opened one eye. "You're going to be the death of me with all your lovin',
"Love? Is that what we're calling this now?"
He cupped her face in his hands, "I know you're the only woman that makes me
feel this way, Lil."
Jake picked up a cloth and squeezed it over one shoulder, following the drops
with a kiss.
She stretched like a satisfied cat, locking her arms around his neck. "Got a wild
streak buried deep inside you, don't you Jake?"
He knew more than just their bodies had joined in the last few days, at least for
him. "Only one thing I want to think about being buried right now." He fisted the cloth
over her other shoulder, watching the water trickle over her sweet flesh.
She glanced up at him with a teasing smile, and Jake figured that Nate was going [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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