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leisurely, new-husband kiss.  You can do this, Liv. I know you can.
You ve got the heart and mind to do this job. And you ve had good
mentors. We ve just got to get you the proper tools. He slapped the
Buckskins and Brocade 127
reins and the buggy lurched, nearly tipping Livvie out of her seat. He
grabbed her arm and pulled her against him.  Next stop Bradley s.
128 Amber Carlton
Chapter 13
Livvie paused on the wooden walk, cupped her hands around her
eyes, and peered into the window of Bradley Clothiers. When she
backed away dust smudged the tip of her nose. Desmond wiped his
finger across it and opened the door. A tiny bell tinkled a greeting as
he hauled Livvie through the doorway. Her reluctance confused him
at first, as Livvie had touted herself as a world-class shopper. But as
Desmond s eyes roamed the displays and the shelves he realized why
Livvie hesitated. This place would be nothing like the shops she had
frequented. Not a gown or day suit anywhere in sight. She looked
A long L-shaped counter ran the length of the left wall and
halfway around the back of the store. It had been divided into several
distinct areas one for dealing with customer purchases, one for
holding bolts of fabric, taffeta and organza, silk and satin, and another
for measuring. Behind the counter, wooden shelves rose to the ceiling,
holding garments and footwear of all description. The glass case
under the back counter held a nice variety of accessories. The pegs
along the right wall held dresses. Livvie s face grew more sullen as
she glanced around the dark interior.
Several wire mannequins held a silent vigil behind the counter,
and behind a half-closed door a sewing machine whirred in a
mechanical frenzy, the sound drilling into Desmond s teeth.
A young girl of about fourteen suddenly popped up from behind
the counter. Livvie practically jumped out of her skin and uttered a
tiny squeak. The girl s mouth dropped open and she rushed around
the counter. The faint streaks of sunlight coming through the dusty
Buckskins and Brocade 129
window glanced off a metallic object and Desmond saw the folding
knife just as she stuck out her hand. He backed up quickly, hauling
Livvie with him.
 Whoa, girl! Slow down before someone gets hurts.
The girl skidded to a stop, her wide-eyed gaze darting quickly
between them. She glanced at her hand and burst out laughing. She
dropped the knife onto a bolt of shiny black material. The sewing
machine clatter died.
She offered them a smile then flipped a lock of dark brown hair
off her shoulder.  Sorry. I m supposed to be listening for the door but
I got all involved in opening the crates that came off the train. I love
when we get new things in the store. We got the prettiest little dresses
in and 
 Alice, as usual, you ve past the point.
A heavy set woman whirled out of the back room like a short,
squat cyclone, holding her skirts as she sashayed around the counter,
her hips moving up and down rhythmically. She swatted her daughter
on the butt and, with her hands on the girl s shoulders, swung her
toward the counter. The girl wagged her head as she plodded back
behind the counter, her shoes pounding on the wooden floor with her
heavy steps.
 Ah, Ma, I want to talk. They re the new people.
 Yes, and I will handle the new people. Finish up with those
crates then we ll talk about that dress.
Desmond caught a smile on Alice s face as the woman turned to
them with a bright smile and held out her hand. Desmond shook it,
said  Connor McBride and the woman launched a verbal assault.
Words gushed from her like water from a fountain and the smell of
peppermint wafted around them.
 I m Freda Bradley. Welcome to Fort Cloud. If you re looking for
clothing, then you ve come to the right place. Her bird-like gaze
swept across Livvie, perusing her with a practiced eye.  Though you
130 Amber Carlton
seemed extremely well dressed and, I must say, extremely
fashionable. You re also a tiny little thing. What can I do for you?
Desmond gave Livvie s back a tiny shove. She lurched forward.
 Hello, Mrs. Bradley, I 
 Freda, dear. Everyone calls me Freda. Mrs. Bradley is my
husband s mother. She heaved a sigh.  She lives with us, you know.
Not that I m opposed to that, mind you, but it does get a little
tiresome at times.
 I imagine it might, Livvie said cautiously. Desmond moved
away, pretending to look into the display case. Alice studied him from
beneath lowered lashes, her lower lip caught between her teeth. He
made a concerted effort to stay away from Alice. When he glanced
over his shoulder, Livvie gave him a thanks for nothing look.  Well,
Mrs& Freda, my name is 
 Olivia McBride, yes, I know. Freda reached out and gripped
Livvie s hand, folding it in a tight grasp.  The new teacher. We ve
been looking forward to your arrival for a week now. My Alice will
be in your class. She s a bright girl, but you ll have to watch her. She
gets easily distracted.
She tossed a look at her daughter. Alice groaned, the sound rolling
from her with all the disgust her adolescent body could muster.
Freda shook her head.  It s boys, you see. She likes them. No two
ways about that.
Alice mouthed Shut up, Mother and blushed furiously. Desmond
pulled his hat down lower on his head, hunkered down and stared into
the glass case, trying to keep his shoulders from shaking.
 We have a few strapping young bucks around here. She s also
become Alice, hang up that dress before you get your paw prints all
over it addicted to clothing, as you can see. She wants to wear
something different every day, all to catch the eye of these new boys
who roll in on the trains.  Freda tossed her hands up.  I don t know
what she ll be like once school starts.
Buckskins and Brocade 131
Alice reluctantly put the dress on a hanger and walked across the
shop to hang it on a peg, her shoes once again clomping sullenly on
the wooden floor.
Freda leaned closer to Livvie.  She wants that dress. It s one of
the prettiest of the arrivals. And she ll get it, but not before I make her
suffer for it. She winked.  I probably have one that will fit you as
Livvie flickered her fan in front of her flushed face. She took a
deep breath, seemingly determined to get her conversation finished.
Good luck with that, Liv.
 Your outfit is lovely. Freda gripped her shoulders and spun
Livvie around. Livvie blanched and began to sputter.  New York
designer, I d say. I get all the ladies books here. They arrive late, of
course, but it does help to keep us reasonably up-to-date. This suit is
simply beautiful. I d love to study it to make a pattern. I love that
color on you and the material&  She ran her hand down Livvie s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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