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VARICK was enjoying this time with Lucius. They seemed
more and more like lovers and less the roles of master and
servant.  Tell me what happened when you met that young
man in the forest? You still dream about it, I think. Varick
took Lucius s hand and reclined between his larger legs,
taking care not to put weight on the bad one.
He closed his eyes and hummed when Lucius ran a
gentle hand through his hair. He d pleased Lucius again, and
then Lucius had pleasured him, taking Varick s cock in hand
and stroking him until he d been at ease, drifting. Lucius
said he liked to watch Varick s face when they had sex.
 Fever. Lucius shook his head.  I should have died,
but& I swear I saw that boy come out of a tree. He spoke to
Varick shook his head.  You saw something strange.
 He touched my leg and the pain, by the gods! His touch
seared my flesh and made me whole.
 He saved your life. Varick s brow crinkled as he sat up,
thinking about it.  Unless it was, as you say, the fever.
Lucius sighed.  I don t understand what happened in
your woods, little one, but it meant I could return to this city
and find you. Perhaps it is as you say, there was some
The Pleasure Slave | Jan Irving
 I am just a former farmer, Varick mused.  Not
someone important.
Lucius shrugged.  Who is to say how the gods see us?
To me you are important.
A TREMOR woke them at dawn. Varick clung to Lucius,
Lucius holding him with his eyes squeezed shut, hoping they
would be unharmed as rocks rolled past and a sapling
cracked, an umbrella palm that shattered in two parts. As
the dust rose like smoke, Varick panted against him, burying
his face against Lucius s neck.
 We will go back to the villa. Lucius patted his
companion s back awkwardly, still new to tenderness.
 Lucius& .
 We will be safe there, Lucius said firmly, reaching for
his walking stick.
The Pleasure Slave | Jan Irving
Chapter Nine
IN THE atrium, the sparrow hopped frantically in its cage.
Varick stared at it dully, unable to drink the watered
wine Lucius was sharing with him. He was conscious of the
sweat on the back of his neck, of his own heart beating.
The city was full of the soft sounds of evening, and the
atrium fountain spurted serenely, its waters surrounded by
heavy roses. On the road back to the villa, they had paused
to buy apples, since Lucius knew that Varick favored them.
Now Lucius was cutting slivers of the fruit and offering tiny
bits to the bird, but his pet did not pause from his restive
fluttering long enough to eat.
 Let him go, Lucius, Varick finally whispered, breaking
the silence.  Please.
Lucius looked up from his meal, exasperation and
tenderness flickering in his dark eyes.  Varick, it was only a
tremor. We have learned to live with them here. It is true
that they can be bad sometimes, but 
Varick only shook his head, hearing again the sound of
his own heart beating as he watched the bird. His gut was
Lucius put an arm around him.  I don t like you to be
The Pleasure Slave | Jan Irving
Throat tight, Varick leaned his head against his
master s neck.
LUCIUS woke to find Varick missing from their bed. He
grunted, his leg aching from the unaccustomed walking the
day before. What was to be done with Varick? His boy was
full of fear and yet, when Lucius had questioned him, it was
clear he had not always had the bad dreams about living
here in Pompeii. They were recent. Could they actually mean
Grumbling to himself over the omens of his slave s
dreams, he shoved aside the bedding and then, nude, but no
longer uncomfortable with his withered leg, he hobbled out
to the atrium where he knew he d find Varick.
The young man was standing by the sparrow s cage, his
hand on the little door, and in the yellow dawning light,
touching the marble and roses so they glowed, Lucius could
make out that Varick was hesitating in the act of freeing the
He turned and looked at his master, apprehension
shining in his blue eyes, chewing his lip.
Lucius hobbled over to Varick and put his arms around
him from behind. Then he covered Varick s trembling hand
and helped him open the sparrow s cage door. The bird
cocked its head, ruffling its feathers. Bits of food were in the
cage, but it didn t hesitate to fly from the door, landing on
the swaying branch of a lemon tree before launching up
toward the hard blue sky.
The Pleasure Slave | Jan Irving
Lucius sighed.  Will you sleep now?
 Yes, Varick said softly. He turned to face his master,
brushing talented fingers against his staff.
Lucius groaned.  We will not sleep if you do that.
 We will sleep after, Varick agreed, guiding his master
back to their chamber with an arm around him.
 Varick, do you enjoy lying with me? Lucius prodded as
he covered Varick, their erections rubbing together in a most
satisfying way. Was there anything better than the feel of a
phallus against his own?
 You are my master, Varick said, using oil on Lucius s
penis, his deft hands slick and arousing as he teased.
 If I were not your master, would you lie with me?
Lucius smoothed the blond hair, watching as Varick guided [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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