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 After the loss of the boy, I turned upon the Hurons, as you may judge. There
have been skrimmages atween one or two of their outlyers and myself; but that
is neither here nor there. So, after I had shot the imps, I got in pretty nigh
to the lodges, without further commotion. Then, what should luck do in my
favour, but lead me to the very spot where one of the most famous conjurors of
the tribe was dressing himself, as I well knew, for some great battle with
Satan--though why should I call that luck, which it now seems was an especial
ordering of Providence! So, a judgematical rap, over the head, stiffened the
lying impostor for a time, and leaving him a bit of walnut for his supper, to
prevent any uproar, and stringing him up atween two saplings, I made free with
his finery, and took the part of a bear on myself, in order that the
operations might proceed.
 And admirably did you enact the character! the animal itself might have been
shamed by the representation.
 Lord, major, returned the flattered woodsman,  I should be but a poor
scholar, for one who has studied so long in the wilderness, did I not know how
to set forth the movements and natur of such a beast! Had it been now a
catamount, or even a full sized painter, I would have embellished a
performance, for you, worth regarding! But it is no such marvellous feat to
exhibit the feats of so dull a beast; though, for that matter too, a bear may
be over acted! Yes, yes; it is not every imitator that knows natur may be
outdone easier than she is equalled. But all our work is yet before us! where
is the gentle one?
 Heaven knows; I have examined every lodge in the village, without
discovering the slightest trace of her presence in the tribe.
 You heard what the singer said, as he left us--  she is at hand, and expects
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 I have been compelled to believe he alluded to this unhappy woman.
 The simpleton was frightened, and blundered through his message, but he had
a deeper meaning. Here are walls enough to divide whole settlements. A bear
ought to climb; therefore will I take a look above them. There may be
honey-pots hid in these rocks, and I am a beast, you know, that has a
hankering for the sweets.
The scout looked behind him, laughing at his own conceit, while he clambered
up the partition, imitating, as he went, the clumsy motions of the beast he
represented; but the instant the summit was gained, he made a gesture for
silence, and slid down with the utmost precipitation.
 She is here, he whispered,  and by that door you will find her. I would
have spoken a word of comfort to the afflicted soul, but the sight of such a
monster might well upset her reason. Though, for that matter, major, you are
none of the most inviting yourself, in your paint.
Duncan, who had already sprung eagerly forward, drew instantly back, on
hearing these discouraging words.
 Am I then so very revolting? he demanded, with an air of manifest chagrin.
 You might not startle a wolf, or turn the Royal Americans from a charge; but
I have seen the time when you had a better favoured look, major, returned the
scout, dryly;  your streaked countenances are not ill judged of by the squaws,
but young women of white blood give the preference to their own colour. See,
he added, pointing to a place where the water trickled from a rock, forming a
little crystal spring, before it found an issue through the adjacent crevices;
 you may easily get rid of the Sagamore s daub, and when you come back, I will
try my hand at a new embellishment. It s as common for a conjuror to alter his
paint, as for a buck in the settlements to change his finery.
The deliberate woodsman had little occasion to hunt for arguments to enforce
his advice. He was yet speaking, when Duncan availed himself of the water. In
a moment, every frightful or offensive mark was obliterated, and the youth
appeared again in the fine and polished lineaments with which he had been
gifted by nature. Thus prepared for an interview with his mistress, he took a
hasty leave of his companion, and disappeared through the indicated passage.
The scout witnessed his departure with complacency, nodding his head after
him, and muttering his good wishes; after which, he very coolly set about an
examination of the state of the larder among the Hurons--the cavern, among
other purposes, being used as a receptacle for the fruits of their hunts.
Duncan had no other guide than a distant glimmering light, which served,
however, the office of a polar star to the lover. By its aid, he was enabled
to enter the haven of his hopes, which was merely another apartment of the
cavern, that had been solely appropriated to the safe keeping of so important
a prisoner, as a daughter of the commandant of William Henry. It was profusely
strewed with the plunder of that unlucky fortress. In the midst of this
confusion he found the maiden, pale, anxious, and terrified, but still lovely.
David had prepared her for such a visit.
 Duncan! she exclaimed, in a voice that seemed to tremble at the sounds
created by itself.
 Alice! he answered, leaping carelessly among trunks, boxes, arms, and
furniture, until he stood at her side.
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 I knew, Duncan, that you would never desert me, she said, looking up with a
momentary glow of pleasure beaming on her otherwise dejected countenance.  But
you are alone! grateful as it is to be thus remembered, I could wish to think
you are not entirely alone!
Duncan, observing that she trembled in a manner which betrayed an inability
to continue standing, gently induced her to be seated, while he recounted
those leading incidents which it has been our task to record. Alice listened
with breathless interest; and though the young man touched lightly on the
sorrows of the stricken father, taking care, however, not to wound the
self-love of his auditor, the tears ran as freely down the cheeks of the
daughter, as though she had never wept before. The soothing tenderness of
Duncan, however, soon quieted the first burst of her emotions, and she then
heard him to the close with undivided attention, if not with composure.
 And now, Alice, he added,  you will see how much is still expected of you.
By the assistance of our experienced and invaluable friend, the scout, we may
find our way from this savage people, but you will have to exert your utmost
fortitude. Remember, that you fly to the arms of your venerable parent, and
how much his happiness, as well as your own, depends on those exertions.
 Can I do otherwise for a father who has done so much for me!
 And for me too! continued the youth, gently pressing the hand he held in
both his own.
The look of innocence and surprise which he received, in return, convinced
Duncan of the necessity of being more explicit.
 This is neither the place nor the occasion to detain you with selfish
wishes, sweet Alice, he added;  but what heart loaded like mine would not
wish to cast its burthen! They say misery is the closest of all ties; our [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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