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Brett s house and sighed. With all his being, he wished Jess was right.
Jessica rested her tush on the hood of her car as she waited for Cade to arrive. Funny how the day had
panned out. When she d boarded the plane at JFK, she d been looking forward to a few days of wild,
hedonistic sex. She hadn t counted on starting the vacation off with Brett, and boy had he set her off with a
bang. She couldn t wait to fill Cade in on all the juicy details, from the veined thickness of Brett s cock to
how his calloused fingers had felt digging into her waist.
Besides the sex, Brett had turned out to be quite the surprise. She d expected arrogance, coolness, a
blunt tongue. But he d been the perfect Southern gentleman, ensuring she was fed and watered and
comfortable before he d given her the ride of her life. He cared about Cade too. She d noted that pretty fast.
Though he d never come out and said it, she d seen the warmth in his eyes while they d talked about Cade.
And when Brett had asked her about Cade mid-sex, she d known the guy s feelings for her friend ran a hell
of a lot deeper than she d initially believed.
As Cade s black Lexus finally came into view, she stood and watched him park. When he got out of
the car his face was a mask of concentration. His brows furrowed into a deep V and he was slapping his
Stetson against his thigh in an even rhythm. She didn t need three guesses to know where his mind was. It
was right back at Brett Miller s house.
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Ava Rose Johnson
 Did Brett feed you? he asked, when they entered the house.
She dropped her bag on the floor while he stood her suitcase by the stairs.  He did. More than once.
Cade slanted her a teasing look.  I m not talking about sex.
She laughed, glancing around the hallway. Cade had taken down the majority of picture frames, vases
and decorative pieces since her last visit. The house now looked reasonably masculine, except for the floral
wallpaper covering the walls. She took the changes as a sign he was making this place his home. He was
settling in.
She walked through the hall and into the spacious kitchen.  You tired? she asked, swiveling on her
heel to face him.
He was watching her the way he always did before they fucked. His blue eyes darkened to the color of
a deep ocean and swept over her body. His gaze, so intense she could feel it piercing through her clothes to
her skin, roamed from her feet to the top of her head, then returned to her eyes.
 Did I tell you how good you re looking, Jess?
She smiled, knowing there was no way he d want to wait. She couldn t figure how he could live so
close to Brett, spend so much time with him, and not lose his mind. His sexual frustration was probably at a
level that she couldn t imagine. She couldn t wait to tap that.
With her insides clenching in anticipation, she walked toward him and then ducked around his body.
 Let s go upstairs, she said, taking his hand.
His eyes flared as he followed her out to the hall. She turned away from him and began to ascend the
staircase, then gasped when his hand touched the back of her knees. Pausing between steps, she closed her
eyes, letting his hand stroke upward, caressing her inner thigh.
 Keep moving, he ordered, his voice thick with desire.
She forced herself forward, climbing slowly as his hand rose farther beneath her dress. He knew her
body better than anyone, knew exactly how to touch her. They reached the top of the stairs and the backs of
his fingers brushed her damp panties.
The way he propelled her forward into his bedroom so she stumbled and fell onto the end of the king-
size bed told her how badly he wanted her. And as he dragged his fingers back and forth along the strip of
material between her legs and said  Spread open for me, baby in a voice husky with sex, she wondered
how many times he d imagined Brett growling those exact words. Pressing the length of his middle finger
against her seam, he pushed the thin cotton between the swollen lips of her pussy. He caught the material
and drew it along her opening, creating a friction that had moisture pooling in her cunt.
She rose up on hands and knees and blew out a long breath.  You re taking your time.
 I want to draw it out. He paused.  It s been a while.
 No pussy around these parts? she asked, then bit her lip when the material of her panties caught on
her clit.
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Coming Home
 Brett keeps me busy.
She smirked.  Not the way you want him to.
 No, he agreed.
He pushed her dress over her hips and air flowed around her thighs, cooling her skin. He removed his
hand from between her legs and the delicious sounds of buttons popping and his belt being unbuckled
permeated the silence.
 You want me to suck you? she asked, staring straight ahead at the dark mahogany headboard.
 Later. The bed dipped behind her as he climbed onto the mattress.  I want to be inside you first.
She whimpered, shifting her knees on the covers so her legs spread farther apart. He settled himself
behind her, the hair on his thighs tickling the smooth skin of hers. The heat of his cock burned her skin, the
swollen head probing the line of her buttocks.
More moisture sluiced through her pussy and her inner muscles clenched in hunger. He leaned over
her, his hard chest pressing against her back. Bracing his hands on either side of her shoulders, he dipped
his face into her neck. He inhaled deeply and let out a groan of anguish as his cock leaped insistently
against her ass.
 You smell like him, he ground out at her neck.  You used his shower gel?
The strain in his voice caught her off-guard. Christ, he wanted Brett bad, more than she d realized.
 Uh huh. Her whole body shook as his erection pulsed against her bare skin. Cream seeped from her cunt.
 I used his shower gel and then I dried off with his towel. She pushed her ass back, rubbing herself along
his dick.  Does that make you hot?
His low chuckle lacked any trace of humor.  What do you think?
She squirmed beneath him.  Come on, Cade, you re killing both of us here.
He lifted one hand from the bed and wrapped it around his cock. Slowly, he guided himself inside her
pussy. She held her breath as the broad head invaded her, followed by his impressive length. He slid right
to the hilt and stilled.
 How many times did he fuck you? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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