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Toyo-Chrysler Wolverine 100 10/30 1 400 1 200kg +1 20 (1) 10 (0) 300kg 15,000 NWP
Skidoo Snowmobile 90 10/10 1 400 1 100kg +0 15 (1) 10 (0) 400kg 10,000 NWP
Arctic Cat DuraCat Ice Crawler 20 5/5 1 100 7 1000kg -2 30 (1) 15 (1) 1 ton 40,000 NWP
Infiniti Spinnerbike 300 15/20 1 900 0 50kg +0 20 (1) 0 1.2 tons 44,000 CGen
Puddle Jumper 100 15/20 1 900 1 50kg +0 20 (1) 0 1.2 tons 18,000 EF
Avante SportSpinner 320 15/20 1 400 1 50kg +0 40 (2) 0 2.5 tons 200,000 CGen
Crystar Falcon Spinnercoupe 200 15/25 1 400 3 100kg +0 45 (2) 0 2.8 tons 175,000 CGen
Boeing VS-3 Serrato 250 30/30 1 400 3+2 or 100kg +2 70 (3) 20 (1) 8.75 tons 750,000 EF
Information © R.Talsorian Games Inc, Ianus Publications Inc, John A Nephew, Temporal Statis Productions, & Prometheus Press Inc.
All rights reserved. Collated by Andrew James 05/01/02. ajames@node16.co.uk
Vehicle Top Speed Acc/Dec Crew Range Passengers Cargo Man. SDP (Body) SP (Armor) Mass Cost Source
Covert Hydro-Ski 200 30/30 1 50 (30m) 1 100kg -1 20 (1) 5 (0) 80kg 20,000 SF
Vosper/Wolf Riverine Patrol Boat 30 15/10 5 400 1 1.6 tons +1 100 (5) 40 (2) 5 tons 600,000 UK
Cetaen Cargo Vessel 30 5/5 25 4000 20 15,000 tons -3 500 (25) 40 (2) 2500 tons 20M GW
SNB Fast Patrol Boat 32 25/15 10 1500 10 10 tons +0 210 (10) 30 (1) 14 tons 210,000 CB3*
Corporate Riverine Powerboat 60 25/15 1 100 5 3750kg +0 75 (4) 15 (1) 5 tons 65,000 LoF*
Skimmer 40 30/15 1 100 3 750kg +0 40 (2) 15 (1) 1 ton 17,000 LoF*
RPV-101 Patrol Boat 50 25/15 1 300 5 4200kg +0 85 (4) 10 (0) 5.6 tons 110,000 LoF*
Converted Fishing Boat (Varina) 20 10/15 1 360 6 4200kg +0 170 (8) 15 (1) 5.6 tons 140,000 LoF*
Spearas Maritime Whaler 50 14/24 3 1400 3 75m3 +0 150 (7) 0 150 tons 30,000 P3
Samson Marine Tech "Hunter" 50 11/21 3 4000 15 250m3 +0 500 (25) 0 500 tons 100,000 P3
SUBMERSIBLES Top Speed Acc/Dec Crew Range/Depth Pass Cargo Man. SDP SP Disp Det Sig Cost Source
"Pelagic" Mining Sub 33 8/8 1 40 (400m) 0 220kg -3 240 (12) 60 (3) 22 ton -0 -0 2.4M SF
CINO "Moray" 67 12/12 1 40 (300m) 0 260kg -2 250 (12) 100 (5) 26 ton -0 -2 7.21M SF
OTEC "Shark" 56 10/10 1 33 (300m) 0 205kg -2 275 (14) 105 (5) 20.5 ton +1 -1 7.93M SF
Hydrosubsidium "Orca" 28 5/5 5 1200 (900m) 15 415kg -6 650 (32) 100 (5) 914 ton +4 -1 18.315M SF
OTEC "Hammerhead" 33 4/4 8 500 (600m) 15 315kg -5 560 (28) 85 (4) 652 ton +2 -0 4.1M+ SF
IEC "Rockfish" Stealth Sub 45 5/5 2 1500 (400m) 10 605kg -2 400 (20) 80 (4) 140 ton +3 -2 10.5M SF
CINO "RELaCS" Cargo Sub 56 10/10 36 3500 (800m) 4 22,105kg -5 4000 (200) 60 (3) 25k ton +3 +2 30.47M SF
Prototype Ceta-Sub 50 12/12 1 150 (80m) 1 50kg -1 120 (6) 30 (1) 15 ton -2 -6 expensive SF
IEC Container Sub 40 5/30 30+ 5yrs (750m) - 600 tons -2 5000 (250) 80 (4) CB1*
IEC Tactical Mini-sub 16 5/30 3 1120 6 or 400kg +1 300 (15) 60 (3) CB1*
Shirakawa Type 1 20km 1 12hrs 1 60 (3) 40 (2) CB3*
Shirakawa Type 2 16km 1 16-18hrs 5 80 (4) 40 (2) CB3*
Shirakawa Type 3 16km 2 12-20hrs 10 100 (5) 45 (2) CB3*
Dynalar Manta Cruiser 55 6/30 1 1440 (1900m) 4 .5 ton +2 200 (10) 30 (1) 1,250,500 SA*
Aquanox Lamprey 70 7/30 2 960 (2200m) 2 0 +3 325 (16) 25 (1) 2.7M SA*
Cyclocean Cargo Vessel 50 5/15 10 6000 (3800m) 0 200 ton +0 500 (25) 50 (2) 7.5M SA*
Entries with a '*' next to their listed source were originally presented with limited stats and have been altered to fit within the vehicle creation rules presented in Maximum Metal.
Watercraft presented with limited stats have been altered using the 'Maximum Metal on the High Seas' rules by Dana Jorgensen, in the Neo City netbook.
Information © R.Talsorian Games Inc, Ianus Publications Inc, John A Nephew, Temporal Statis Productions, & Prometheus Press Inc.
All rights reserved. Collated by Andrew James 05/01/02. ajames@node16.co.uk
Vehicle Top Speed Acc/Dec Crew Range Passengers Cargo Man. SDP (Body) SP (Armor) Mass Cost Source
Lunar Rover 50/60 2 310/373 20 or 2000kg 20 6-50 150,000 DS
Mars Rover 37 2 497 20 or 1000kg 30 10-40 150,000 DS
Lunar Buggy 19 1 93 1 100kg 10 3 5000 DS
Mars Buggy 16 1 31/22 1 100kg 14 5/15 6500 DS
Hopper 75 1 248, 4 burn 3 1500kg ext 15 0 350,000 DS
Jet Cycle 186 1 1863 1 None 8 0 2000 DS
SPACECRAFT Crew Pass Drive Burns Power Sensors Comp Cargo Actions Weaps SP DP OKP Cost Source
Shuttle II 2 0 C 10 B, FC 50% 3 200m3, Flitter 2 6 2 12 4 200M DS
HL-25 Shuttle 2 2 C 5 B 50% 2 50m3 2 4 1 7 3 100M DS
Hermes I-b Shuttle 2 12 C 5 B 50% 2 20m3 2 4 1 7 3 120M DS
Delta 1-2 0 C 7 B, FC 55% 2 2m3 2 8 1 5 2 80M DS
Luna Landers 2 6 C 8 B, FC 50% 2 15m3 1 3 2 5 3 50M DS
Aries II Spaceplane 5 48 C 8 B, FC 50% 3 30m3 3 4 0 7 3 350M DS
TAV-12 Spaceplane 3 4 C 8 B, FC 50% 3 30m3 3 4 0 7 3 220M DS
Cargo OTV 2 1 C 10 B, FC, S 50% 2 (10MU) 2x30m3 1 3 1-3 5 3 40M DS
Passenger OTV 4 16 C 10 B, FC, S 50% 2 (10MU) 2x10m3 1 0 1-3 5 3 50M DS
Deep Space OTV 2 16 C 10 B, FC, S 50% 2 (10MU) 10m3 1 0 2-4 7 4 70M DS
Flitter 2 2 C 3 B 30% 1 (10MU) 4m3 1 0 0 3 1 10M DS
Work Module 1 0 C 2 B, S 30% 1 4m3 1 1 1 4 2 5M DS
Battle Satellite 0 0 C 3 B, S 65% 2 None 1 10 4 6 2 40M DS
Deep Space Explorer 8 60 C, N 8, 12 N, S, FC 90% 5 113m3, 4 craft 3 0 0 15 6 2500M DS
Cycler (one half) 4 20 C, I 6, 2 B, S 60% 3 1000m3, 6 craft 2 0 0 8 4 250M DS
Clipper 2 2 C, N 6, 12 B, FC, S 60% 2 50m3, 1 OTV 2 0 0 6 2 70M DS
Carrier 6 6 C, N 6, 12 N, FC, S 80% 3 125m3, 6 Delta 4 7 3 15 4 1400M DS
Gunship 8 4 C, N 8, 15 B, N, S 80% 4 200m3, 4 Delta 6 14 4 20 7 2500M DS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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