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computer monitor to light the office. She glanced up uneasily, painfully aware that somewhere
in the city Raphael was beginning his night. Without her. She pushed away from her desk with
an angry kick. She would not cry. She would not.
She glanced at her watch. It was nearly eight o'clock already. Where the hell was
Duncan? She cleared her desk, closing folders, shutting down her computer. No reason to
stay once this meeting was over. There were no other current clients, and she didn't fancy
any new ones right now, especially not the ones who came at night. When the buzzer soun-
ded, she jumped, even though she'd been expecting it. She stared at the closed door and
reached out reluctantly to click the small knob on the security screen.
Duncan stood outside, gazing directly at the camera.  Fuck. She leaned back in her chair
and realized for the first time that she'd been hoping Raphael would show up tonight, not
Duncan. Her disappointment was bright and sharp, and so stupid. A knock sounded on her
door and she heard the vampire's voice.  Let me in, Ms. Leighton. I know you're there."
"How do you know, you bastard? she whispered.
"Because I can hear you, he replied, clearly amused.
"Great. She pushed the release.
Duncan walked into her office alone. Definitely alone.
"Why are you here? she asked.
"I told you on the phone, he said patiently.  I brought your final payment. He laid an eleg-
ant, white envelope on her desk. Her name was typed not written in a flowing hand, but
typed on the front.  You did perform quite admirably, but I believe you'll find the compensation
more than adequate."
"Yeah, great."
The vampire tilted his head curiously.  You disappeared the other night before I could
thank you. I had my doubts about the wisdom of bringing you in, but ... you served him well.
That's important to me."
Cynthia stared at the blond vampire with his so human brown eyes. So sincere, so sober
Duncan. And so utterly devoted to Raphael.  Can I ask you a question?"
Duncan regarded her steadily, then tipped his head in acquiescence.  Certainly."
"I don't mean to offend, but ... how did you die? I mean what happened that made
Raphael turn you?"
Duncan smiled at her. Cyn thought it was the only time she'd really seen him smile.
 You're very straightforward, Ms. Leighton. I admire that. As to your question, I was dying,
struck down with so many others during the war. He caught her eye.  That would be the War
of Northern Aggression, the Civil War I believe you call it."
Cyn nodded.
"It was 1863, the Battle of Stones River. Thousands died on both sides, many more were
wounded. There was so little the surgeons could do for us then, and what few skills they had
were given to the officers, or to the men who would live to fight again. He stared at the wall,
his eyes far away.  I was not one of those. Like so many, I was a farmer, conscripted into the
army with no training and even less skill. Such a waste. He shook his head at the memory.
 In any event, I was sorely wounded, sliced across the belly, my own hands all that were
keeping my intestines from spilling into the dirt. A terrible way to die, slow and painful, with the
scavenger birds jostling all around, waiting until you were too weak to push them away. I can
still hear the screams of the other men, even after all these years... He was silent for a mo-
ment, then continued briskly.  Lord Raphael found me and gave me a choice. I owe him my
life; my loyalty I give freely."
Tears were rolling down Cynthia's cheeks and Duncan stared at her.  Cynthia?"
She wiped her cheeks angrily.  I think that's the first time you've ever called me by my
name, Duncan. Be careful; you wouldn't want anyone to think you like me. She forced a
smile.  So, how's Alexandra? She recovering okay?"
"As you saw, it was difficult for her, but under the circumstances, she's doing quite well.
Raphael is taking her to one of his other estates for awhile, away from the memories. Though,
he is sorry to be leaving Malibu. This is his favorite city. He looked at her directly.  For many
reasons. When Cyn didn't respond, he continued.  Alexandra has told us how you killed Albin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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