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followed them over so complex a route. At a point where
several tunnels joined, he let go of Thalira’s arm, and she
slumped tiredly against the wall.
Eckersley grinned mockingly at her. ‘Bear up, Your
Majesty, we’re nearly there. My ship’s not far off now.’
Ever cautious, Eckersley had hidden the little space ship
in a concealed cleft in the mountain, using the sonic
cannon to blast an access route. Soon he would be on his
way to some remote planet, keeping well clear of
Federation justice. There was always work for a good
engineer somewhere in the galaxy.
‘If your ship is near, then go to it,’ said Thalira. ‘Go, and
leave me here. Peladon is well rid of you.’
‘You’re coming too, Your Majesty. I’ll need you as a
hostage until the last minute, just in case someone manages
to follow me. Not that there’s much chance of that!’
The Doctor’s voice said, ‘Don’t be too sure, Eckersley!’
Eckersley turned to see the Doctor, Sarah, Gebek and a
party of grim-faced miners. ‘How did you find me?’
The Doctor stepped back, and an enormous furry form
shuffled forwards.
‘With the help of Aggedor! He’s getting on a bit, but he
can still sniff out a trail.’ The Doctor held up the Queen’s
cloak, which was draped over his arm. His voice hardened.
‘You’d better come with us, Eckersley. It’s all over.’
‘Is it?’ snarled Eckersley. He grabbed Thalira, holding
her in front of him as a shield.
In a most unqueenly fashion, Thalira twisted round and
bit him hard on the hand.
Eckersley shoved her savagely against the rock wall, and
Thalira gave a cry of pain.
There was a thunderous roar from Aggedor, and the
great beast threw itself on Eckersley.
The two crashed down together. They heard a
bloodcurdling growl, a cry from Eckersley, the muffled
thump of a blaster—then silence.
Cautiously the Doctor knelt to examine the two bodies.
He looked up. ‘Dead. Both of them.’
The Doctor rose and draped Thalira’s cloak about her
For a moment Queen Thalira, Gebek and the miners
stood with bowed heads.
Aggedor had died nobly, sacrificing himself for the
Queen. It was a fitting end for the Royal Beast of Peladon.
The Doctor and Sarah had been summoned for an
audience with the Queen.
Recovered from her ordeal, dressed in full regalia,
Thalira sat proudly upon her royal throne. ‘Once again
Peladon owes you a great debt, Doctor, just as in my
father’s time. I hope you will stay longer this time, so that
we can show our gratitude.’
‘I doubt if that will be possible, Your Majesty,’ said the
Doctor gently.
‘But I shall need your help and advice, Doctor.’
Sarah said boldly, ‘Your Majesty, you stood up to
Chancellor Ortron, to Azaxyr and his Ice Warriors. You
don’t need anyone’s help now.’
Thalira refused to give up easily. ‘I shall need a new
Chancellor, Doctor, and I had hoped that you—’
‘I can tell you the very man for the job, Your Majesty,’
said the Doctor hurriedly. ‘Gebek!’
‘We have great admiration for Gebek, and he has served
us loyally—but he is only a miner.’
‘It’s the man that counts, Your Majesty,’ said the Doctor
gently. ‘You can always give him a title if he needs one.’
Thalira said sadly, ‘But it seems all that I can give you,
Doctor, is my thanks.’
The Doctor bowed. ‘I shall always be grateful for the
honour you have offered me, Your Majesty. But believe
me, Gebek is your man.’
At that moment Alpha Centauri and Gebek came into
the throne room together. Alpha Centauri was in a state of
wonderful news. The war with Galaxy Five is over! I have
just heard from Federation HQ. It seems that it was only
the hope of obtaining Peladon’s trisilicate that made them
go on fighting. Once they learned that Azaxyr’s scheme
had failed, they became most anxious to negotiate a peace
treaty.’ Alpha Centauri was positively rubbing his tentacles
with glee.
Gebek took the Doctor aside. ‘That blue box you were
asking about Doctor, we’ve found it for you. It’s in the
third gallery, just off the main cavern.’
‘Thank you, Gebek,’ whispered the Doctor. ‘I think I’ll
just pop along and check that it’s all right.’
Alpha Centauri was already in deep conversation with
the Queen and Gebek went over to join them.
The Doctor caught Sarah’s eye, and they slipped out of
the throne room.
He had always hated goodbyes.
The Doctor threw open the TARDIS door with a sigh of
relief. ‘Come on, Sarah, in you go!’
Sarah paused, looking mischieviously at him. ‘You’re
sure you don’t want to stay, Doctor? I mean it’s a good job,
Chancellor. Permanent civil service post, a pension too, I
shouldn’t wonder. I’d hate to stand in the way of your
‘In!’ said the Doctor firmly.
Sarah went inside. The Doctor followed, closing the
door behind them.
A wheezing, groaning sound echoed through the
tunnels of Peladon and the TARDIS dematerialised.
The Doctor and Sarah were on their way. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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