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over again, it became .
prose ( prMz)
ordinary speech or writing, without metrical
structure (as in poetry)
I prefer to read instead of poetry.
Words in Context
1. My dad told us a(n)
The following exercise will help you figure out the
about his childhood that was so funny, none of
meaning of some words from Vocabulary List 9 by us could stop laughing.
reading context clues. After you have read and under-
stood the paragraph, explain the context clues that 2. I love to learn the origin of words, so my teacher
helped you with the meaning of the vocabulary word. suggested I might like to read a book on the
Refer to the answer section at the end of this chapter for of language.
an explanation of the clues.
3. I (d) his smile as accept-
When asked why the prose of the new nov- ing my offer.
elist, Jane Jackson, appealed to me, I
immediately thought of what makes any 4. I decided to start my novel with a(n)
good novel. Considering the standard to get readers thinking
archetype, the successful novel should about what was to come.
include mastery of a range of literary ele-
ments. In Jackson s case, she indeed effec- 5. The little girl s favorite cartoon is one that uses
tively employs the device of to tell the story; the sil-
anthropomorphism, in particular, when she verware, refrigerator, and everything else in the
writes of the  Angry Storm waiting to take kitchen come to life.
her revenge. It is as if the storm itself is the
novel s protagonist: its central and most 6. When something or someone typifies or embod-
dynamic character. An anecdote I would ies a given idea, it is a
like to share regarding the popularity of of that concept.
Jackson s writing takes place on the New
York City subway. I noticed a young 7. An ideal example of a given type is known as a
woman reading Jackson s latest novel, a standard or a(n) .
satire that exposes and pokes fun of dating
in the big city. When I, instinctively as a 8. A is a play on words.
literary critic, approached the reader to ask
her opinion, I realized it was Jackson her- 9. is the art of effective
self! The irony of the situation was that the language use.
novelist still wished to critique the text she
had authored; she was her own worst 10. When a character or performer reveals her
critic! thoughts without addressing a listener, she is
issuing a .
Sentence Completion
Insert the correct word from Vocabulary List 9 into
11. A brief statement of truth or opinion is known as
the following sentences. a(n) or a saying.
12. One is often able to , or
to reach a conclusion by reasoning or inference.
13. The complex device, , is 21. archetype
when words are used to express something differ- a. standard
ent from, and opposite to, their literal meaning. b. statement
c. example
14. Buzz is a clear example of , d. ideal
when a word imitates the sounds associated with e. model
the actions of objects to which they refer.
22. protagonist
15. To is to understand a. main character
from a hint or implication, rather than from b. principal figure
something directly stated. c. fastest player
d. first actor
16. Putting a situation in the proper e. leader of a cause
often requires a certain
mental outlook or point of view. 23. perspective
a. point of view
17. A novel s main character, or b. prescription
, is central to the action c. evaluation of significance
of the text. d. outlook
e. perceived interrelations
18. When a saying, idea or word is so overused that it
fails to evoke interest or convey meaning, we may 24. prose
call it . a. depressing language
b. ordinary writing
19. The finest novelists have a real signature to their c. non-metrical writing
writing or the they d. commonplace expression
produce. e. ordinary speech
20. Irony and wit contribute to the makings of an 25. pun
effective that attacks a. ambiguous expression
human folly. b. play on words
c. similar sound
Synonyms d. rhetorical joke
The following exercise lists vocabulary words from this e. powerful understanding
chapter. Each word is followed by five answer choices.
Four of them are synonyms of the vocabulary word 26. satire
in bold. Your task is to choose the one that is NOT a a. classical text
synonym. b. ironic ridicule
c. witty literature
d. caricature
e. lampoon
27. trite 33. Based on the given evidence and
a. commonplace circumstances, I was able to construe my own
b. habitual hypothesis.
c. powerful
34. Irony is when words imitate the sounds
d. overused
associated with the actions to which they refer.
e. banal
35. My perspective on the subject shifted
28. aphorism
when the author s prose helped me step into
a. saying
another point of view.
b. adage
36. Cinderella, a well-known pun, captivates
c. statement of truth
many readers who dream of transformation.
d. euphemism
e. maxim
37. The film was a parody or soliloquy of
the futuristic genre, as it poked fun at
29. deduce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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