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University of Oregon Medical School in Portland."
Janvert tried now to assess Hellstrom's response. That had to be genuine
surprise -- unless he was a consummate actor. He was a maker of movies.
"We'll have an autopsy report very soon," Janvert said, as though Hellstrom
had not made the logical connection.
Hellstrom pursed his lips. He didn't like the way this Janvert said "your
deputy." What had Linc done? Were there more mistakes to contend with now?
"If Deputy Kraft interfered, that's regrettable," Hellstrom said, "but that
certainly has nothing to do with me. He is not our deputy."
"Let's stop the bullshit," Janvert said. "One of your dames spent last night
with Peruge and she shot him full of some kind of dope. There was a bruise on
his arm as big as a dollar. We're going to find out what that was. We're
going to bring in the FBI, the Alcohol Tax people -- they deal with narcotics
crimes, you know -- and we're going to open your farm up like a can of rotten
"Just a minute now!" Hellstrom said, trying to suppress his panic. Open up
the farm! "What's this about someone spending the night with Mr. Peruge?
Narcotics? What're you saying?"
"A hot little doll from your outfit by the name of Fancy," Janvert said.
"Fancy Kalotermi, I think her full name is. She spent last night with Peruge
and she shot him full of --"
"This is nonsense!" Hellstrom interrupted. "Are you saying one of -- Fancy?
That she had some sort of sexual liaison with Mr. Peruge?"
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"Did she ever! Peruge told me the whole story. She shot him full of dope and
we're betting that's what killed him. We're going to question your Miss
Kalotermi and the rest of your people. We're going to get to the bottom of
Saldo cleared his throat, trying to distract Janvert, to give Hellstrom time
to think. These words pointed in profoundly disturbing directions. Saldo
felt all of his Hive defense reactions coming to full-alarm state. He had to
restrain himself consciously from launching a physical attack on
Janvert spared only a glance for Saldo. "You got something to add?"
Before Saldo could respond, Hellstrom said, "Who is this we you keep referring
to, Mr. Janvert? I
confess I don't understand at all. I'd taken a liking to Mr. Peruge and he
"Don't spare any of your liking for me," Janvert said. "I don't go for the
way you like people. As for your question, that has a simple answer. The FBI
will be here presently and Alcohol Tax officers. If we think of any others
who want to share in this investigation, we'll invite them."
"But you have no official standing, Mr. Janvert, is that right?" Hellstrom
Janvert took a moment to reassess Hellstrom. There had been an edge to that
question he did not like, and he moved unconsciously a pace away from Saldo.
"Is that correct?" Hellstrom insisted.
Janvert set his jaw belligerently. "You'd better be damn careful about my
official standing, Hellstrom. Your Miss Kalotermi rode a bicycle to Peruge's
motel. That bicycle was the property of one Carlos Depeaux, another of our
people we suspect you took a liking to."
Stalling for time to think about this, Hellstrom said, "You're going too fast
for me. Who is this --
oh, yes, the employee Mr. Peruge was seeking. I don't understand about a
bicycle, but -- are you trying to tell me you also work for this fireworks
company, Mr. Janvert?"
"You're going to see more than fireworks around here in a bit," Janvert said.
"Where is Miss
Hellstrom's mind was turning over possible responses at top speed. His first
reaction was to be thankful he'd had the foresight to get Fancy out of sight
and to substitute Mimeca. The very worst had happened. They'd traced that
damned bicycle! Still stalling for time, he said, "I'm afraid I
don't know exactly where Miss --"
Mimeca took this moment to step through the arch from the dining room. The
kitchen door could be heard slapping closed behind her. She had not seen
Peruge before and assumed Janvert was the luncheon guest.
"There you are," she said. "Lunch is getting cold."
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"Well, here she is now," Hellstrom said, flashing a signal for Mimeca to be
silent. "Fancy, this is
Mr. Janvert. He has brought us sorrowful news. Mr. Peruge is dead under [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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