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more money. This is the poor, suffering humanity who are only miserable leaves hurled
by the great wind, miserable leaves hurled by the Great Law.
Our authentic Being in his essential root is the Ancient of Days. He is the Father within
us. He is our true Being.
Our disciples must now concentrate and meditate very deeply upon the Ancient of Days.
They must provoke the voluntary slumber during meditation. Thus, this is how they will
attain very profound illumination.
May peace reign in all hearts. Let us not forget that peace is light. Let us not forget that
peace is an essence emanated from the Absolute. It is light emanated from the Absolute.
This light is the light of the Ancient of Days. Christ said,  Peace I leave with you, my
peace I give unto you. John 14: 27
Aztec Christic Magic Samael Aun Weor
Chapter 12
Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl, Lord and Lady of duality. Ome: two; tecuhtli: Lord. Ome: two;
cihuati: Lady. The entire universe emanated from this divine dual masculine and
feminine principle. This God-Goddess had four children, the four Tezcatlipocas:
Xipetotec, the red one; Tezcatlipoca, the black one; Quetzalcoatl, the white one;
Huitzilopochtli, the blue one. The four colors of the four races that presently populate the
world were born from this divine and invisible binary.
Ometecuhtli has the presence of the Cosmic Christ. The Nahuas represent him with a
beautiful ornamented tunic and a flinted phallus, symbol of light. The entire presence of
Omecihuatl is that of the Cosmic Virgin. The Nahuas represent her with an
extraordinarily beautiful blue mantle and a skirt of occultation. He is Huehueteotl, the
Old God, Father of all Gods and human beings. She is Tonantzin, our dearly beloved
In the Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City there exists a monolith with
an impressive tetra (4) significance: On the apex of it, all the way through the ring of its
entangled body, protrudes a precious and great two headed serpent which can be seen on
the front and on the back like the God Janus of the Greco Roman religion. The two
headed serpent s eyes are round and penetrating; from their half-opened jaws (located
under the four superior, curved, and sharpened protruded fangs) hang great and bifid
From its chest hang two flaccid breasts.
From shoulder to shoulder this deity wears a leather necklace which is decorated with
hearts and is located in the middle of four outstretched hands. At the height of the navel
there is a cranium which completes the necklace.
Its arms are stiffly located at each side with forearms bent. Underneath its hands there
appear superior fang-like paws which are actually heads of precious serpents with half-
opened jaws. There hang smooth and geometrically cubic rectangles with a vertical line
in the center of each one of its faces. All of this is a symbol of perfection of the deeds of
its hands.
It has tiger paws and eagle eyes on its shoulders and elbows.
Its short skirt is made of intertwined serpents with their heads pointed downward. The
skirt fits together at the waist by means of a wide belt made out of precious serpents that
are tied underneath the cranium (whose wide open eyes possess a threatening sight). On
the belt, the serpent heads hang towards the front like two ends of a tie without a knot.
This symbolizes that everything that exists in the universe is the outcome of the sexual
Aztec Christic Magic Samael Aun Weor
Nevertheless, the cranium at the navel of this deity is neither the final touch of its
necklace nor the brooch of its belt, it is rather Coatlicue, the devourer of men, the
Goddess of earth and death, whose body projects from between the thighs of the deity
towards the front and from the lower abdomen until the feet.
Many hearts and two streamers made of quetzal feathers adorn the sides of its underskirt
that descend to its ankles and ends in a wide fringe made of intertwined feathers. These
feathers are adorned with badges from which sixteen long rattles hang. A sinuous and
thick serpent shows off its jaws with superior fang-like paws between the four paws of
each one of the feet of this deity, and upon each one of its feet on a bas-relief are two
eagle eyes that try to see towards the infinite.
In the lower part, at the base or support of the sculpture, in bas-relief, we find
Mictlantecutli with arms and legs opened as in the cross of Saint Andrew. In the posterior
part, between its thighs, the creative fire protrudes downward from the lower abdomen.
The mouth of the abyss is opened at its navel.
From its shoulders, hangs the necklace with two hearts in the middle of four hands which
are opened in supplication towards the heights and the final touch is a marine knot
adorned with four badges upon the vertebral column in between its hands.
On its back, at the height of the scapula, the cranium that looks as if it is fastened to the
belt of her skirt of serpents, symbolizes Tonantzin, Mother of the Gods, who is hidden
behind in the posterior part of the skirt of Coatlicue and who is forgotten by this present
generation of humans. Her figure protrudes in the posterior part of this deity. She is
dressed in a lace tunic which descends towards her feet and ends in a single and
enormous paw whose nails are seven elongated balls. This is an emblem of perfection
and sacrifice.
From its necklace at the height of the thyroid, hang two great flinted tongues, and upon
her pectorals lies a laced tunic with six tassels which is the final touch. This is an emblem
of creation.
On the front, underneath her pectorals, at the height of the lower abdomen, we find a
streamer made of very fine arrows from which two great flinted tongues hang. The whole
of these in their conjunction symbolize the universal fire of creation.
A  sentiment of maternity emanates from this precious serpent which is the final touch
to the whole combination of this monolith. Its double headed face is the emblem of the
divine couple. The posterior part of its shoulders towards its feet, symbolize Tonantzin,
the Mother of the Gods. Her chest with flaccid breasts adorned with the necklace of
hands and hearts symbolizes Coatlicue, the shadow of Tonantzin.
Tonantzin is life; Coatlicue is death. The children ofTonantzin are children of the Holy
Spirit and Chastity. The children of Coatlicue are children of fornication and adultery.
Aztec Christic Magic Samael Aun Weor
The creative forces of Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl express themselves during the sexual
coenobium. These creative forces descend into the human organs of procreation with a
unique goal that a new being can appear in the physical plane. If the man and the woman
unite themselves sexually only with desire, only for the animalistic desire of spilling the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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