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course. That s why there s no record of the fifth planet!
 What is?
The Doctor waved at the monitor screen.  That pattern is a
symbolic visual representation of a Time Loop and we re
caught in it!
Leela was lost again.  A Time Loop.
 Yes! All memory of the planet has been erased by a circle of
Time, making it, and its records, permanently invisible. Only the
Time Lords could do that!
 It s very clever, said Leela tactfully.
 Clever? It s criminal! Though I daresay they had their
reasons. The Doctor began switching controls.  We ve been off
on a wild goose chase, Leela, and we ve got to get back. Let s
hope we re not too far round the loop!
Granny Tyler sat alone in her cottage, dealing out the Tarot
cards, those ancient symbols with which she so often made her
uncannily accurate prophecies. The fact that it was the middle of
the night didn t bother her. As local white witch she was used to
staying up all night, casting spells and charms at the proper
She turned over a card, and moaned softly.  The tower
struck by lightning!
Jack Tyler hurried in.  Ted Moss and that lot be all at the
Priory now. I just seen the last of  em arrive. No sign of that
Doctor then?
Granny Tyler shook her head.  Didn t think he d be reliable.
Never trust a man as wears a hat.
 Grandad always wore one.
 Aye, and a wicked old devil he were too!
Jack pulled off his battered old felt hat.  But I wear one.
Granny Tyler s smile lit up her wrinkled old face.  That be
different, she said triumphantly.  I give it to ee! She picked up
one of her little bags.  Here, take this.
He examined it dubiously.  More charms, Gran? I bain t one
of your customers, you know.
 Tonight is Lammas Eve, said the old woman sinisterly.
Jack gave an uneasy laugh.  You know I don t believe in all
 Most round here do believe, and when most believe, that do
make it so.
 Most people used to think the world was flat, said Jack
defiantly.  But it were still round!
Granny Tyler chuckled.  Ah, but they behaved as if  twere
flat! She held out the bag.  Come on, Jack lad, just for me, she
Jack took the bag and stuck it in his pocket.  All right, Gran,
if it makes you happy.
 And another thing. Gimme a couple of they cartridges.
Jack fished out the two cartridges he d taken when he unloaded
the shotgun.  Going rabbiting Gran?
The old lady rose.  I be going to fill  em with rock salt. Salt s
best pertection there be!
Jack took the box and tipped a handful of cartridges into his
pocket.  Evil spirits again, eh Gran?
Granny Tyler looked solemnly at her grandson.  You can
laugh John, but I know the Old Ways, and I know the dangers
more than them up at the Priory any road. Soon as I ve done
these cartridges we d best get up there, Doctor or no Doctor.
We ve got to stop  em meddling in things they don t
Ceremony of Evil
It might have been a scene from the Dark Ages. Candles
flickered on the great stone altar. The circle of black-robed
figures stood waiting. It was as if a Black Mass was about to
But there were strangely, modern elements in the scene.
Besides the altar a small control console had been set up. A
heavy power-cable ran out from beneath the console and
disappeared up the cellar stairs.
Stael came down the stairs. He was carrying the skull, still
mounted on its metal stand. Reverently he placed it on the altar.
He took the gun from his pocket, laid it beside the skull.
Colby and Fendleman lay bound inside the pentagram, the
unconscious Thea between them.
Colby nodded towards the console.  What is that thing?
 A remote control unit, whispered Fendleman.  It must be
connected to the Scanner.
 Your Time Scanner, Black Magic and the skull 
whispered Colby.  What s the link?
Fendleman had been thinking hard during his captivity.
 The power source, he breathed.  Colby, I think I know!
The Tardis column rose and fell steadily, and the Doctor stood
looking at it in a frenzy of impatience, It had taken longer than
he had expected to break free of the Time Loop. By now he was
desperately worried about what might be happening back at
Fetch Priory.
 We re going to be late! said Leela.
 Well of course we re going to be late, it s obvious we re
going to be late, stormed the Doctor. He drew a deep breath.
 Sorry, sorry, he mumbled. He stood for a moment, lost in
thought.  The question is, Leela, where is the Fendahl getting
the energy from? Inducted biological transmutation takes a
colossal amount of power, the kind that just isn t available in the
Priory... Aha! The Doctor thumped the edge of the console, and
gave a sudden shout.
 What is it, have you hurt yourself?
 I ve got it, whispered the Doctor.  The skull is absorbing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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