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the boss of snakes."
"Scribble had an unfortunate incident," the Beetle told Icarus. "Some years
ago now. Just can't get over it."
"He was bit by one?"
"I knew it. You've got the Vurt inside you, boy."
"Not me --"
"They always deny it at first."
"I'm pure! Tell him I'm pure, Bee!"
"Better had be," answered the Beetle. "Can't stand hybrids."
Icarus was holding me with a bright stare. "Pure is poor, featherboy," he
said, and I swear that I saw the glints of flights in his eyes. "You've got
some juice inside, kid."
Icarus said that, and I was drawn back. Back through the years, the months,
like time was
streaked with Vaz.
Something was stirring. . .
I was seventeen years old. There was a red sun that day, I remember, and the
trees were full of starlings. I was lying in the grass of Platt Fields, with a
girl named Desdemona. She was my sister, fifteen years old, but I loved her a
lot. Too much. More than is good. More than is legal. She was stretched out
and hot, and my right hand was stroking her leg, way up, and she was smiling.
She moved her head slightly and her lips were touching mine. I had a hard-on.
Hard-on for a sister. Five seconds later she was touching the hard-on through
my pants, then was up on top of me, her hair a blonde halo against the scarlet
sun, and I was caressing the dragon tattoo on her upper arm.
"If father should find us. . ." she said.
Imagine, she said that. She actually said that. Not Vurt or robo; real words
from a real mouth. Her twin lips like the two halves of a dream, slightly
Her cunt was pressed against my cock and the world was pretty.
"Don't let's talk about dad," I answered.
"He scares me, Scribble."
"I will always look out for you."
The two of us laughing then, I remember that, before those lips descended to
mine, and we were sealed.
Page 43
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Some things you just can't destroy, and this memory is one of them.
She kissed me. A raging full-on contact. The sun was blocked out. My eyes were
Her hair fell against my cheeks and lights danced in my eyes. I was in honey.
"I'll love you forever," the voice whispered, and I can't remember if it was
mine, or hers. I felt the pleasure build all the way through me, even down to
the ankles, my left ankle especially, for some reason.
The pleasure just there was intense, like I'd never felt before. Next thing,
Desdemona was screaming, and the pleasure turned into pain. She jumped off me,
turning to see the colours flashing. I jerked up, pulled by the fire in my
leg, and saw the dreamsnake feeding there, twin fangs clamped shut, around my
ankle, and the sun was a blister in my vision.
I opened my eyes to the barking of a robodog. Mandy had Karli by a taut lead,
the bitch's muzzle inches from the dreamsnake in Icarus's hand.
"You deliver the goods, Icarus. . ." the Beetle was saying. "English Voodoo.
Or the snake gets it. . ."
Every morning the Game Cat opens his big sack. Oh my kittlings! All those
letters! It's lucky the Cat has such a large brain, good drugs, and all the
time in the universe to spend on helpful hints. Oh all your problems! How on
earth do you live down there? Real life seems so physical these days; so very
And the one subject that transfixes you, more than any other?
How can I get higher? How can I get out of this hole? How can I get to live
like the Cat? In other words; let me get my hands on some KNOWLEDGE FEATHERS.
Where can I buy some
English Voodoo, some Talking Bush, some MegaHead? Or any of the other
Knowledge Feathers
that may, or may not exist? The Cat has said it a thousand times; you don't
buy knowledge, you earn knowledge. Still the letters flood in. So let it be
said, once and for all: Knowledge Vurt is for the few, not the herd. They are
multicoloured steps on a ladder of dreams. They are made by the heavenly for
their own enjoyment. They are dangerous to the innocent. That's you, little
Comprendez? They can't be bought. If someone offers to sell you one, believe
me, it's a fake, it's a pirate copy. Pirates don't give knowledge, they just
steal your money. And bring you grief.
Because invariably these cheapo mixes are infested with Vipers. And if you
don't know what
Vipers are, you shouldn't be within a thousand miles of Knowledge Vurt.
This is your final warning. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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