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ment. They purchase and maintain their photographic equip-
ment and accessories, as well as all business and office
Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits
equipment and supplies. They also secure permissions and
Real Estate Photographers have at least several years of
releases to photograph at certain sites, when applicable.
prior experience in commercial photography. Some may
have construction or architectural photography experience.
They are accustomed to taking outdoor and indoor shots and
have a solid knowledge of lighting for all times of day and
Real Estate Photographers can earn salaries ranging from
night. Real estate photography is an on-location job, thus
$50,000 to $75,000 or more. Income levels will depend
Real Estate Photographers must be extremely organized,
upon real estate agencies budgets, geographical locations in
detail-oriented, able to follow directions, and prepared with
which the photographer works, and his or her years of expe-
everything they need to shoot at short notice, if needed.
rience in the field. Real Estate Photographers can increase
They have excellent communication skills, are reliable, and
their earnings by providing 360-degree photographic serv-
able to meet deadlines.
ices. Not all real estate agencies are offering the panoramic
viewing options on their Web sites, and those that are have
been willing to pay higher wages for this service. Unions and Associations
There are no unions dedicated specifically to real estate
photography. The Professional Photographers of America is
Employment Prospects
a valuable association offering multiple benefits and infor-
Employment opportunities for Real Estate Photographers
mation, along with its monthly publication Professional
will fluctuate, depending upon the economy and the housing
Photographer. Real Estate Photographers can also join
market. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook,
Advertising Photographers of America for educational and
employment of real estate brokers and sales agents as well as
networking opportunities.
related workers is frequently sensitive to swings in the econ-
omy, especially interest rates. When economic activity
Tips for Entry
declines and interest rates rise, fewer people are interested in
buying homes and property, thus employment opportunities 1. Peruse the Internet for real estate brokers in your area.
in real estate simultaneously decline. Most photographers Visit their Web sites and look through the photographs
offer real estate photography as one service among many and tours to get an idea of how things are done.
2. Contact the real estate brokers to see if they use pho- 4. Check the Internet for aerial photographers who may
tography services. Set up an informational meeting. also provide real estate photography. See if you can
Put together a portfolio of images of interiors and register as a passenger on a real estate photography
exteriors of homes and buildings. mission. This will give you a chance to be exposed
3. Check the Internet and your local yellow pages for firsthand to another aspect of real estate photography.
Real Estate Photographers. Visit their Web sites to
familiarize yourself with their work. Contact them to
see if they need any assistance.
Duties: Takes photographs of business projects and proposals,
building inspections and renovations, for lawyers, property Surveillance Photographer
owners, private individuals, police departments, private
investigators, and others; adheres to local and federal laws
when photographing subjects, as photos may be used in
criminal investigations or as evidence for court cases
Freelance Photographer /
Alternate Title(s): Private Investigator
Uniformed Photographer
Salary Ranges: $20,000 to $50,000+
Employment Prospects: Good
Advancement Prospects: Fair Photographer s Assistant
Best Geographical Location(s): All major cities, and resort
cities, and affluent suburbs
Education or Training Four-year degree in photogra-
phy recommended; training in digital photography and
photographic techniques and printing processes
Experience Several years of experience as an event
photographer; daily newspaper, publicity, or press pho-
tography experience useful
Special Skills and Personality Traits Analytical;
patient; observant; persistent; tenacious; self-starter; inde-
pendent worker; detail-oriented; excellent written and
verbal communication skills; ethical and professional
Position Description document the trysts. Surveillance Photographers may also be
employed by law-enforcement agencies to track and docu-
Surveillance Photographers take photographs of people,
places, and activities for lawyers, police departments and pri- ment the movements of suspected criminals.
Surveillance Photographers may or may not use hidden
vate investigators, and property owners and insurance compa-
cameras to capture interior shots, depending upon local and
nies. Their photographs are used as evidence to help build
state laws regarding privacy. For their images to be accepted
cases to be tried in criminal and civil courts. They photograph
building and home structures for tenants claiming unsafe con- as evidence during courtroom trials, they must operate
within the boundaries of the law. Otherwise, their work is
ditions and demanding repairs. Property owners may also hire
Surveillance Photographers when they are considering pur- futile. For instance, a couple s innocuous meeting outside in
chasing and building in certain areas. They will have Surveil- a parking lot may be a completely different type of  meet-
ing behind closed doors. Surveillance Photographers might
lance Photographers photograph sight lines and traffic flow.
use hidden cameras inside the rooms to document indoor
Surveillance photographs may also play a large role in
activities, but they must first understand the legal ramifica-
divorce cases, providing evidence for courts in states where
tions and the rights of those involved.
infidelity is a basis for divorce proceedings. The husband or
wife usually hires a private investigator, who is also some- Insurance companies hire Surveillance Photographers
times a Surveillance Photographer, to follow the alleged when they suspect disability claims frauds. Surveillance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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