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D.F. USTINOV. We will, of course, accept stan confident of our support, confident of your threat, but also work to strengthen the gains of the
them for training. own actions. April revolution.
A.N. KOSYGIN. To sum up this conversa- As we see it, it is very important to widen the
tion, we can ascertain that there remains the 21.III.79. base which supports the leadership of the party
question of the construction of a powerful radio AK-786ss and the country. First of all, of great importance
station. There remains also the question of expe- here is the unity of your party, mutual trust, and
diting the deliveries of military technology. You, 30 copies ideo[logical]-political solidarity throughout its
as we understand, will select helicopter pilots 21.III.79. ranks from top to bottom.
from the officers training with us. If you have any ___________________ It is worth thinking about creating a single
other requests or desires, you may inform us x) This record has not been seen by the partici- national front under the aegis of the People s
through the Soviet ambassador and the chief pants democratic party of Afghanistan as the recog-
military adviser. We will carefully review them, nized leader of the people. Such a front could
and will react accordingly. (Source: TsKhSD, F. 89, Per. 14, Dok. 26.) include already existing socio-political organiza-
We will continue to use political means to tions and be supported by groups of workers,
defend the DRA from its imperialist aggressors. peasants, petty and middle bourgeoisie, the intel-
Taraki is then ushered into Brezhnev s
Our press will also support the DRA. ligentsia and students, youth, and progressive
Kremlin office. The Soviet leader uses the
We think it important that within your coun- women. Its purpose would be to consolidate anti-
occasion not only to reaffirm the decision
try you should work to widen the social support of imperialist and national patriotic forces against
against dispatching troops a decision, he
your regime, draw people over to your side, domestic and foreign reactionaries. It could also
stresses, that should be kept strictly secret
insure that nothing will alienate the people from serve in the political upbringing of the popula-
but to preach to Taraki the importance of
the government. And finally, not as a matter of tion.
widening the base of the government s sup-
discussion but as a wish, I would like to express In rural areas it would be expedient to orga-
my ideas on the importance of a very careful and port among the Afghan people through po- nize poverty committees consisting of property-
cautious approach towards your staff. One should less and petty peasants and metayers [sharecrop-
litical and economic means, and of taking a
take care of one s staff and have an individual pers] to repel feudalists and capitalist landown-
more moderate attitude toward the military,
approach towards it. Have a thorough and good ers.
the clergy, and others in order to lessen fears
understanding with each person before hanging And, of course, everything must be done so
of persecution. He also expresses mystifica-
any labels on them. that the army is staunchly on the side of the
tion at the  abnormal situation of open
people s revolutionary government.
borders between Afghanistan and its neigh-
It is important that the commanding ranks in
The meeting breaks up after Kosygin as-
bors given the infiltration of armed rebels.
the army feel assured of the stability of their
sures an obviously disappointed Taraki that
Taraki s response essentially defending his
positions. One cannot expect much from an army
Moscow would reconsider its stand against
present approach could not have satisfied when commanding cadres are frequently replaced.
sending troops should Afghanistan be sub-
This is even more true if the cadre changes are
his Moscow interlocutors.
jected to foreign aggression:
accompanied by arrests. Many commanders,
seeing their colleagues arrested and disappear-
Subject to return to CC CPSU
A.N. KOSYGIN. If an armed invasion of
ing, begin to feel unsure of their own future.
(General Office, 1st sector)
your country takes place, then it will be a com-
All of this does not mean that repressive
pletely different situation. But right now we are
measures should not be taken with regard to those
No. P486
doing everything to insure that such an invasion
who have serious evidence of untrustworthiness
does not occur. And I think that we will be able
to the revolutionary government. But this weapon
Distributed to the members
to achieve this.
is very sharp and must be used with the utmost
and candidate members
N.M. TARAKI. I pose this question be-
of the Politburo of CC CPSU
cause China is persistently pushing the Pakistanis
As for the events in Herat, the normalization
Top Secret
against us.
of the situation in this city would have a positive
A.N. KOSYGIN. When aggression takes
influence on the situation of the country as a
place, then a completely different situation arises.
whole and would have a chilling effect on circles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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