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gasping at the force of her climax. Her pussy squeezed his driving cock in a tight grip.
 Ah, baby. That s what I like, He groaned.  Your pussy sucking me deep.
He growled by her ear and struck, biting deep into the fleshy back of her shoulder. Another
wave of pleasure assailed her to the point it left her shaking.
His bite on her hurt, but he didn t let go. Instead, he bit again and slowed his thrusts. Then he
tensed completely, filling her womb with his seed. He continued coming longer than ever before. Her
body softened, dropping down to the bed once he was done.
He moved them on their sides, still embedded in her pussy and not appearing to want to get
out. She sighed, leaning into his embrace and closed her eyes. Her shoulder burned and hurt like a
bitch. Mason placed kisses on her shoulder.
 I m sorry I had to hurt you, he said softly.
She yawned, closing her eyes and wincing.  It definitely hurts, but I ll be okay.
He kissed the back of her neck and pulled her closer, cupping her breasts with his hand.
 You re mine, brat. I m not going anywhere. I m always here for you.
She smiled at the way he said the words. A promise to her. She d known Mason wasn t going
to leave her side, ever. Even if she hadn t mated him. This just gave them a deeper bond. At least he
wasn t talking marriage. That was a whole different can of worms.
Emma woke up with a smile. Mason had once again managed to outdo himself. Her memories
of the previous night came back with aches and pain of too much loving. She could hear him in her
kitchen. Excitement rushed through her and she stood to go to the bathroom.
She glanced at herself in the mirror looking for something, anything different. Nothing. She
frowned at her reflection. How long would it take for her to know if she was going to change or not?
He d bitten her twice and from what she knew that was once more than most people did to mate.
Nothing felt different. She didn t look like her friends with that golden rim around her eyes.
What if it didn t take? What if she was going to be the only one who stayed human? Fucking hell!
She sighed and took a shower, worrying about whether she d turn or not was not productive.
Besides, she and Mason had to talk. Having been so emotionally distraught the previous night had
stopped her from telling him about what he did.
Once she d dressed, she headed for the kitchen and found him making toast and coffee.
 You messed up my surprise, he said, pulling her to him for a kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, taking his warmth and loving how
protected she felt.  What surprise?
 I was bringing you breakfast in bed.
She raised her brows and stared at the half-burned toast.  I could have sworn your mother
praised all her boys for knowing how to cook. I don t think you paid any attention when she gave
He grinned and her heart melted. Stupid hormones again. Ah, fuck it. He was a sexy god and
she loved staring at his face.
 I did pay attention but I haven t had much time on my hands to really practice. So I sort of
forgot most of it.
She squinted, giving him a suspicious look.  Is that why you always want us to go out. Or for
me to cook?
He nodded, his shoulders slumping.  Yeah. I didn t want you to know I m the only one that
can t cook out of the four of us.
 Great. How do I end up with the mutt that isn t domesticated?
He grabbed her ass and squeezed.  Careful, or I might have to show you my animal side
Ah hell. Why did she have to go to work? It was so overrated.  I would love nothing more
than to start doggy training you, she laughed at his frown,  but I have to go to work.
She kissed him again and stood there for a second just enjoying him holding her.
He kissed the top of her head and mumbled.  You don t know what you re missing.
She pulled away and picked up her bag. When he offered her a piece of the burnt toast she
shook her head and scrunched her nose.  No, thanks. I ll get something on the way to work.
At the door, she turn to glance at his hot body one last time.  Don t pee on my carpet, mutt.
 Don t play with fire, Emma. Unless you don t want to make it to work.
 And don t bite any of my good shoes! She added to mess with him a little more.
 Later, mutt. Be a good boy. The last thing she heard was his growl as she walked out the
door, giggling.
* * *
Emma was half-way through her work day when she got a text message from Aria.
I must see you. It is important.
It had been almost a week since she d spoken to Aria. Emma knew that whatever it was
would be helpful toward her search for Maria. The rest of the day dragged and she wished she could
skip out early in order to go meet the vampire. Much good that would do. Aria couldn t be out in the
day time anyway. So even if she could have gotten out of school, Emma would still have had to wait
to see her.
By the time evening rolled around, she was chomping at the bit, counting the minutes. Aria had
asked Emma to meet her at the same spot she d parked by the mansion. She d readied to leave her
house when Barbara showed up.
 Barbara, hi, she said, wondering what Mason s mother was doing there.
Barbara smiled and pointed to her car.  Ready to go?
Emma frowned, trying to figure out what Barbara was talking about.  Where are we going?
 Wow. I wouldn t expect you to forget. You re usually the one on top of everything. We re
supposed to go to dinner tonight.
That s right! Barbara had called her a few weeks back and made the date so they could spend
some time together. She felt Emma needed to get out and relax because all the previous wedding
planning had stressed her out.
 Um, now what? Barbara was a wonderful person and Emma knew she could trust her to
know what she was doing.  I was just going out, but why don t you come with me?
Interest sparked in Barbara s blue eyes.  Sure. Where are we going?
They got in Emma s car and she started driving before she finally told her.  Don t freak out.
 Uh-oh. Usually when people say that it s because they know you ll freak out.
 Yeah, she laughed.  That s what I m afraid of. We re going to see a new friend of mine.
She glanced away from the road to catch Barbara s brows lifting in surprise.  Oh?
 As you know, I m trying to find out what happened to one of my students. I requested
someone s help and she might have some information for me.
They reached the area where Emma had last seen Aria. She shut off the engine and sighed.
 Is there anything else you want to tell me about your friend, Emma?
She bit her lip.  Like what?
Darkness fell around them. But once her eyes adjusted, she was able to make out the area.
 Oh, I don t know. Like the fact she s got killer curves and can suck you dry in a manner of
Emma jerked her gaze up from her cell phone to look out of her windshield. Aria stood in
front of her car.
Barbara opened the passenger side, hopping out quickly. Emma followed suit, hoping the two
women wouldn t find it hard to get along. She knew that vampires and shifters didn t mix, but when it
came to it, there were lives at stake and she hoped they could put their species differences to the side.
 I see you brought another pet, Aria sighed. She folded her arms over the top of her black T-
shirt. Tonight, she d worn hip-hugging jeans that Emma had to admit looked amazing on her and a set
of spike heeled boots. The vampire knew how to dress.  What is it with humans and dogs?
 I d watch that pretty mouth of yours, little girl. This dog bites, Barbara growled. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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