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Where Danger Hides
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 I took a quick look at the insurance information you left me John told them as
they met for dinner.  Just a brief glance.
They d finished the incredible food Lupe had prepared for them and Taylor refilled
everyone s wineglasses. John lounged at one end of the couch, Noah at the other.
Like twin gladiators sizing up the arena, Taylor thought.
 I knew you wouldn t have much time to study anything until tonight but did
anything catch your eye?
 One thing stands out. There aren t any policies for the plant in Idaho. That makes
no sense, unless it s a small plant and the division head wanted to throw a little
business to the locals.
Noah shook his head.  Kate would have made that decision. She handled all the
insurance, she and Paul Hunter. She would have handled the annual review this year if
she hadn t been in that car accident.
 I want to go through the coverages for all the other divisions before I make any
snap judgment. It s possible we ll find the same thing in other areas. Sometimes
business like that goes a long way to buying local good will. He took a swallow of his
coffee.  I want to look at the summaries of the division reports tonight, then tomorrow
start going through everything line by line.
 I can t really tell you anything, either, Taylor told him.  Just what I ve learned
from Noah. But something spooked Josiah and I think the rumblings about a takeover
when he& died is part of it.
 I agree. John leaned forward.  And taking over Arroyo would be the easiest way
to keep the status quo. Taylor, what would have happened if you hadn t popped up?
Who d be running the company?
 That would be up to the board of directors but if I hadn t shown up Josiah s stock
would have gone to set up a foundation with the director having voting privileges. My
guess is they would have probably picked Kate Belden. She d be a logical choice
because of her position.
 I ve reopened the investigation into the background on both her and Paul Hunter,
by the way, after someone took a shot at Taylor.
 Good idea, John agreed.  Well, if it s there to be found, I ll find it. That s what I
get the big bucks for. He smiled and winked at Taylor.
Taylor saw Noah frown and hid her smile.  Thanks, John.
John finished his coffee and rose.  Pleasant as this is, it doesn t get my work done.
Noah, if you can access those files for me I ll get started tonight. As if sensing the
undercurrent in the room, he leaned over and kissed Taylor lightly, an amused smile
teasing the corners of his mouth.
Desiree Holt
Taylor grinned.  How about if we meet here for breakfast at eight? I d love to eat
out on the patio but I don t want to take a chance on eavesdroppers.
 Sounds good to me.
Noah stood also, looking like a thundercloud.  I ll walk you back to your rooms
and pull up those files for you. His voice was like a bullwhip. He turned to Taylor.
 Then I ll check back with you about what we re doing.
What we re doing,. Fucking our brains out.
 Of course. She could be as smooth as he could.  John, if you have any questions,
no matter how late, just pick up the house phone in your room and dial five. That
connects directly to me.
 I ll try not to wake you. With that amused smile still on his face, he planted
another kiss on Taylor s check.  Okay, Noah, Let s get it done.
Taylor thought about taking a shower while she waited, then decided she needed to
be fully dressed for Noah. The quintessential alpha male would take any advantage she
gave him and some she didn t. And his behavior tonight had irritated her. His
possessive attitude was out of place when he was so careful to remind her all they had
between them was sex.
She was pouring herself a glass of wine when Noah walked in without knocking, a
habit he d gotten into very quickly. Just like locking the door behind him.
 Don t bother. She made her voice as cool as possible.  You won t be here that
He was beside her before she could lift the wine to her lips, eyes blazing into hers.
Muscles bunching at his jawline.
 What the hell is that supposed to mean?
 Just exactly what I said. She turned away from him and walked to the other side
of the room. Space. She needed space. Lots of space.
 Don t you walk away from me, he ordered, his voice tight with anger.
From several steps away Taylor turned to look at him again.  Since when do you
give me orders?
She could see the tension riding his shoulders. He shoved his hands in his pockets
and leaned his hip against the arm of the big leather chair.  I beg your pardon, Miss
Scott. He was furious under the even tone of his voice.  I ask that you not walk away
from me when we re talking.
Taylor sipped at her wine, taking time to collect her thoughts. Even with this
distance between them he put her off balance. Damn the man, anyway.
 I m not walking away. Just staying at a safe distance.
In three strides he d closed the space between them and was gripping her arms. The
wine sloshed over the rim of her glass onto her hand.
 Just exactly what the hell is going on? he asked between clenched teeth.
Where Danger Hides
Taylor had to fight to keep her mind focused. No matter how she tried to discipline
herself, the minute she felt his power surrounding her, his male scent teasing at her
nostrils, she turned into a blithering pile of hormones. No! He wasn t going to do this to
her this time. She had questions she wanted answered.
She picked up a napkin and blotted her hand.  I want to know, as you say, what the
hell is going on. Why you acted the way you did today. Last night. You spell it out for
me that we have nothing but sex between us. Fine by me. Then last night you were
almost like a lover and today John Martino pushes your jealousy button. So what is it,
Noah? Tell me what s going on. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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